Fine Arts
In our dedicated Fine Arts Building all students take weekly Art class. Art projects are cross-curricular, connecting the history of the art form with a specific project. As student's skills and abilities mature, so does their implementation of producing their vision. A wide range of media is utilized such as fabrics, charcoal, acrylic painting, and watercolors to create two and three dimensional pieces. Notre Dame partners with various local businesses annually that showcase the talent of our students through art shows and public installations.
All students participate in our comprehensive Music Enrichment Program which is designed to build their musical literacy and appreciation. The curriculum incorporates vocal training, music reading and ear training, music history, music composition and improvisation, performance and movement. Our program studies music from cultures all over the world and cross-curricular projects. Music and choral concerts are performed several times throughout the year for parents, families and church parishioners. Our time-honored annual Notre Dame Fall Festival features singing performances by our students for the entire community at large and is a beloved tradition.
Every Notre Dame student is immersed in a wide variety of exploratory and dramatic assignments woven throughout their academic curriculum that are geared to awaken and inspire their sense of personal creativity. Students learn different aspects of theater including impromptu skits, character development, voice projection and much more! Partaking in a variety of school events is highly encouraged like singing at the Fall Festival, cheering at School Spirit rallies, acting in S.T.E.M. challenges and performing in our annual Talent Show and Christmas Play. We believe the performing arts are not only fun and challenging, they also build habits of mind that are essential to living well and weathering the adversities of life.